So here's the in-laws live 14 hours away in Georgia. Which means I have a lot of travel time in the car with my, now, 4 month old. So far, I have made two long trips in the car. One to Atlanta (at 2 months) and one to Nashville (at 3 months). I was DREADING the first long car ride with him. It seems like it would be a mom's worst nightmare to put her child in a car seat for 14 hours. But this also allowed me to learn, early on, the best things to make this easy for your child.
First off, LEAVE REALLY EARLY! My son sleeps in just a plain onesie so I just change his diaper and plop him right in the seat and away he sleeps. That way you can get in a few hours of driving even before his first feeding of the day.
Next, hold you bladder until he needs his diaper changed. Less stops! We, adults, are disciplined enough to hold it! Babies, on the other hand don't like to sit in their business for very long.
Feedings were what I was most nervous about. My son is formula fed which actually makes it easier. I bring a whole bag of bottles because you never know what will happen. I put water in all of them ahead of time. You can also bring pre-measured formula in little cups (I use little plastic sweetheart cups) or just bring your container. And I feed him right in the car seat! Doesn't get any easier than that! And you have a free hand! You can also tie burps in with your bladder break and his diaper change. And WARNING: he will get stinky. You can take a wipe and clean off his neck after each one but he will still be stinky.
If you are breast feeding...see if your pump has a car adapter. And if you're up for this you could always bring a bottle of milk that you've already pumped (for his first feeding) and pump before, during, or after each feeding in the car. Just throw your nursing cover on or you might get strange looks!
Make sure you have lots of toys to keep him busy. Toys with lights are always good! And ones that sing. If they aren't grabbing at things yet, bring these kinds especially. If they are grabbing...bring these and what I call "crinkle" toys. Bring a variety because you baby is bound to get bored with one toy over a 14 hour span.
It is always good to have everything you need in arms reach. So put everything else in the back so you're not crowded.
Lastly, have a good attitude. I know that sounds cheesy but it really does make a difference. Your baby knows if you're in a bad mood and that can make them in a bad mood which results in a disaster. So look at this as a fun adventure with your baby. Go in with a positive spirit and enjoy this time you have to play with your baby (slash: keep them entertained). There are no dishes to wash and no clothes to clean. So sit back, relax, and enjoy.
As for solids...give me a month or two about that one. I will be traveling the same trip in a month or so with a solid food eating baby!
Happy Traveling!
~Mrs. Rogers