Monday, July 8, 2013

Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy Your Flight!

For the 4th of July, my husband and I flew with our almost 5 month old, Harrison to Florida. We spent out long weekend with my in-laws. This was the second time we have flown with Harrison. The first time was much easier because he was about 2 months old and still in the "eat, sleep, repeat" stage. So here are some tips for FLYING with your baby...

If your child isn't old enough for an umbrella stroller (usually 6 months or when they can sit up) a Baby Bjorn comes in handy. Especially if you have a chunk like mine. They get really heavy really quick if you are just carrying them. The first time around I had the Bjorn on but this time my husband, Tim, did because, like I said, Harrison is a chunk (like nearly 20lbs chunk). When you go through security you DO NOT have to take off the Bjorn! They just do a hand check. They wipe your hands with a little cloth and do a test on it.

Bring several different toys. Harrison likes to play with a toy for 10-15 minutes then gets bored and wants a new one. Toys with lights are great! And toys they can chew on are good, too.

Bring pacifiers!! These are good for take off and landing to help your baby's ears pop. Harrison would rather chew on them. But, that also help when his gums start to hurt (teething!!!).

Bring several empty bottles (if you're formula feeding). I buy these packets of formula. They come pre measured (4oz) and you just open them and pour them in. I buy bottled water once I get through security and go ahead and put water in the baby bottles. I am no expert on what bottled water is best for your baby but I bought the Nestle brand because it is purified using reverse osmosis and I use reverse osmosis water at home.
Bringing formula through security is a pain. If you bring opened powder they have to do a test on it. I brought a ready to feed (8oz) and they said they could either open it and test it or give me a full body pat down. I took the pat down route because ready to feeds only last so long after you open them. So, if you are prepared for a pat down or test go or it, but make sure you allow time.

Here's the link for TSA regulations:

I try to time Harrison's feedings so that he eats when the plane takes off. This has worked both times for his ears. He usually eats 8oz at his feedings. So, on the way down I make a 4 oz bottle and let him have that. Like I said before, he doesn't suck on pacifiers, he chews on them.

If your baby all of a sudden starts crying sometime after you get off the plane, it's probably their ears popping. But, crying is good! It helps them pop!

Enjoy your flight!
~Mrs. Rogers

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